Lesson Plan: Creating Portfolios

On the first day of class, students register for Google Sites accounts and create a portfolio site. From that day on they post everything they do, from small lab assignments to large, creative projects, on their portfolio. I tell them that if its not on their portfolio, it doesn't exist! These are the advantages of the portfolio approach:
  • The motivation level is higher when students know they are creating something that their classmates and others see.
  • Students can continue to work on their projects when the course ends.
  • Students can refer back to the samples and projects they've done previously.
  • One outcome of the class is a portfolio of their work which they can show their family, friends, and prospective employers.
  • Its a nice way to introduce and encourage "cloud computing".

1. Discuss purpose of portfolios

2. Tutorial: Creating a portfolio with Google Sites

3. Make sure students send you a link to their portfolio site.


Sites is just one way to do a portfolio.

I'd like to be able to standardize the portfolios in some way so they look better, using a Google Sites template or creating one.

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